Webinar: Personalized Therapies in Rare Diseases

A new, free-of-charge webinar in collaboration with the AAAS/Science magazine is available on demand since July 9th. This webinar broadcasted on July, 7th discusses how the standard model for developing new medicines is often not profitable enough for pharmaceutical companies to produce therapeutics for the thousands of rare diseases known to exist. In the past,…

Science Webinar series – Combating the fragmentation of data and disciplines: Innovation hubs to address rare diseases

The recording of Science’s webinar on innovation hubs as a viable option to address rare diseases, that took place on May 26th, is now available to watch on their website. This webinar brings together key opinion leaders to discuss the current and future needs of patients, and how innovators, doctors, scientists, drugmakers, and policymakers can…

ERN eUROGEN webinar: Williams-Beuron Syndrome: A Focus on Long-Term Patient Care

ERN eUROGEN, ERN ITHACA and ERN ERKNet are organising a webinar on July, 6th 2022, at 18:00 CEST.  You can register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4452634388200656141 During this event, aimed at both healthcare professionals and patient organisations, all uro-nephrological and cardiological aspects of Williams-Beuren Syndrome will be discussed, including clinical scenarios.

ERN eUROGEN webinar: Summer ’22 Update

ERN eUROGEN is organising a webinar on June, 29th 2022, at 18:00 CEST. This webinar will provide an overview of their activities and an update on the network’s most recent developments. You can register here : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4850315649781014540 The event will cover the development of the ERN eUROGEN registry, new features of the clinical patient management system (CPMS) and the possibilities available within…

EC organises EU–Africa Pharma and Healthcare Marketplace and Matchmaking events

The European Commission (EC) is organising, in May and June 2022, a virtual marketplace and a series of online matchmaking events that offer African and European organisations an opportunity to strengthen old and forge new ties with the pharma, biotech, medtech and life-science industries across the two continents.  Several virtual events (webinars, healthcare marketplace, matchmaking meetings)…

Recording of C-Path Webinar on Moving Global Regulatory Science Forward now available

In April 2022, the Critical Path Institute (C-Path) and the European regulatory, industry and research community were excited to introduce « C-Path in Europe: Moving Global Regulatory Science Forward » as a webinar. The presentation highlighted how the nonprofit’s new headquarters in Amsterdam will continue to improve public health, share expertise, data, risks and costs to move…

Share4Rare webinar: Medical imaging in rare disease diagnosis

The Share4Rare Consortium is organising a webinar to discuss the potential of clinical imaging in rare disease diagnosis and research. The guest speaker will be Dr. Josep Munuera, radiologist and Head of the Quality, Innovation and Research Section of the Diagnostic Imaging Service at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, Spain. The webinar will take place on April 20th from 17.00 – 18.00 CET.…

EJP RD Training Webinar: Composite endpoints including patient relevant endpoints (Quality of Life)

As part of the EJP RD Training series, an advanced-level training webinar on the topic « Composite endpoints including patient relevant endpoints (Quality of Life) » aimed at introducing the generalized pairwise comparison ideas and concepts as well as demonstrating its benefit in small sample trials, more particularly in including patient relevant endpoints, such as quality of…

EMA webinar on repurposing of authorised medicines pilot programme

In October 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) announced a pilot project to support the repurposing of medicines. To support not-for-profit organisations and academia ahead of the upcoming deadline for submission (February 28th), the EMA is hosting a « walk-in » clinic webinar on February 17th from 17.00 – 18.00 CET. The webinar will:…