Call for Members : 2023 IRDiRC Task Forces

IRDiRC launches the Call for Members for the four new Task Forces of the 2023 Roadmap. Check out the newly approved Task Forces: Funding Models to Support the Spectrum of Rare Disease Research and Development The overall objective of this Task Force is to identify how different types of funders make decisions about when to fund at…

Call for Members: IRDiRC Task Force on Drug Repurposing Guidebook

The Therapies Scientific Committee of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) is establishing a Task Force on Drug Repurposing Guidebook to help developers (of all kinds) navigating the rare disease landscape and identifying specific tools and practices of relevance for repurposing projects. The creation of the Development Guidebook will focus on repurposing approaches, following the same successful methodology used…

Call for Members: IRDiRC Task Force on Disregarded Rare Diseases (PLUTO PROJECT)

The Therapies Scientific Committee of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) is establishing a Task Force to characterize specific commonalities amongst a large group of “disregarded” rare diseases, with the potential secondary aims to identify removable roadblocks that may foster future research and development. The PLUTO project aims at using an integrated database search approach to: identify and classify…

Call for Members: IRDiRC Task Force on « Enabling and Enhancing Telehealth for Rare Diseases Across the Globe »

The Funders Constituent Committee of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) has set up a Task Force to identify barriers and opportunities for the use of telehealth to improve diagnosis, care, and research experiences for rare disease patients – including technological, legal, cultural, linguistic, healthcare system, and patient/provider factors. This will be accomplished through survey and…