ERICA webinar: Practical guide on how to use the Catalogue of services and the IMT

In this webinar, that will take place on October 24th from 13:00 to 14:00 CET, Anton Ussi (Operations & Finance Director at EATRIS), together with Agustin Arasanz Duque (Senior Innovation Manager at EATRIS), will provide practical guidance for using two important tools for RD researchers, developed within EU-funded projects: ERICA and EJP RD. This webinar…

EATRIS launches survey on Patient Engagement in Academic Research

The European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine (EATRIS) together with the European Patients Forum (EPF), the European AIDS Treatment Group and the European Patients Academy (EUPATI) have co-launched a short anonymous survey on Patient Engagement in Academic Research. Targeted primarily at academic researchers, they encourage any academic researcher regardless of their research focus and…

EATRIS: Translational Medicine Explained (TMex) digital course 2021

Interested in discovering the landscape of Translational Medicine? Learn from scientists in academia, industry and regulatory agencies and join the 2021 TMex winter school!  EATRIS is organising the TMex (Translational Medicine Explained) Winter School that is targeted to PhD students in the second half of their PhD, early postdocs and other young scientists who are involved in biomedical…