Rare Conversations – Rare Disease Policies: Pioneering the way towards a resilient ecosystem

EJP RD is glad to partner with Alexion’s annual Rare Conversations conference, “Rare Disease Policies: Pioneering the way towards a resilient ecosystem”, that we will partner. The event will reflect on several aspects that may be included in the new legislative framework, trying to answer the question: How to create a resilient rare disease ecosystem for…

Rare Conversations 2022 webinar series: Game changing opportunities for the R&D community to address existing challenges in rare diseases

Rare Conversations invites you for the inaugural episode of the new Rare Conversations event series in 2022, aimed at powering the next decade of rare disease innovation in Europe. The first episode will be focused on game-changing opportunities for the R&D community to address existing challenges in rare diseases. The aim is to understand what is the basis…