“Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe” document: EJP RD is mentioned!

“Rare Diseases”: This research and innovation partnership would aim to improve the lives of rare diseases patients. It would built on the results and experiences the ERA-Net E-Rare which was continued in the frame of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD). The EJP RD
has been launched in December 2018 to further help in coordinating the research efforts of European, Associated and non-European countries in the field of rare diseases and implement the objectives of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC). The proposed research and innovation partnership would be established as co-funded partnership programme, starting in 2024.

Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe

EJP RD together with IRDiRC have been mentioned in the official “Orientation” document prepared by the EU to define the key impact factors for the upcoming Horizon Europe (2021-2024), for Rare Diseases in the Health cluster.