FAIRplus: Fellowship Programme

The FAIRplus Fellowship Programme is a comprehensive training programme in FAIR data management.
The programme will run for a period of approximately 8 months, starting in April 2021 and will guide its fellows through a series of modules combining online learning, ‘training on the job’ and short face-to-face meetings. After completing the programme, the fellows will have the confidence to lead, advise and initiate FAIR data processes in their respective companies and organisations.

How to apply

Most fellows will be selected from FAIRplus partner organizations (including EFPIA participants). Limited spaces are reserved for applicants from outside the FAIRplus consortium, in particular from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Interested candidates working in academia or EFPIA companies affiliated with the FAIRplus consortium or SMEs will be able to apply by submitting a FAIRification project they intend to develop during the Programme. Academic fellows will receive a small compensation fund for the time they spend completing the programme.

As the programme’s structure is currently being developed, the applications are not open yet.
Register your interest by signing-up to their mailing list, they will notify you once we open the applications.

For more info, please click here.