EMA and HMA: Launch of public consultation on joint network strategy to 2025

EMA and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) have developed a joint strategy for the next five years that is released for a two-month public consultation. The draft strategy details how the European medicines agencies’ network can continue to enable the supply of safe and effective medicines that meet patients’ needs in the face of challenges posed by ever-accelerating developments in science, medicine, digital technologies, globalisation as well as emerging health threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The European Medicines Agencies Network Strategy to 2025, which builds on the HMA/EMA strategy to 2020, outlines six priority areas for the network:

  • the availability and accessibility of medicines;
  • data analytics, digital tools and digital transformation;
  • innovation;
  • antimicrobial resistance and other emerging health threats;
  • supply chain challenges; and
  • the sustainability of the network and operational excellence.

It identifies high-level goals and supporting recommendations for each of these areas, which will guide and shape the detailed work plans of EMA and the national competent authorities in EU Member States in the coming five years.

Input on the draft strategy document is welcome from all stakeholders, including members of the public, until 4 September 2020 via an online questionnaire.

More info here.