The Smart Guidance tool for the FAIRification of rare disease registries was released on the 18th of July. This is a questionnaire-based tool built on the Data Stewardship Wizard that will guide users (e.g., data stewards) through the process of making their registry more FAIR. It covers various aspects like the composition of the FAIRification team, best practices for data representation, and giving access to your data.
The tool is accessible via: (after signing up)
The User Guide is available here which gives you guidance on how to get started on a Smart Guidance project and how to get the output with your answers to the questionnaire and advice on FAIRification.
We would very much appreciate your feedback on the tool through GitHub issues or email to the FAIRification stewards (
Related Publication:
Smart Guidance working group – Shuxin Zhang, Bruna Dos Santos Vieira, Marco Roos, Philip van Damme, César Bernabé, Nirupama Benis, and Pablo Alarcon
The EJP RD project that developed the EJP RD Smart Guidance Knowledge Model has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°82557

The Smart Guidance working group would like to acknowledge and thank the efforts from the ELIXIR Czech Republic node in making this possible.