The UK Royal Society, Academy of Medical Sciences, the US National Academies of Sciences and Medicine and UNESCO-The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) are jointly organising the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing in March 2023, postponed from its original date of March 2022.

The original dates of March 7th – 9th, 2022 are being used to host a three-part series of online events. Registration for these events is not needed. All three events will be live streamed and the recorded presentations will be made available. The events are as follows:

  • March 7th: Looking Ahead to the Science
  • March 8th: Looking Ahead to the Equity & Access
  • March 9th: Looking Ahead to the Governance

2023 Summit: The in-person event (with an option to attend online) will take place in at the Francis Crick Institute in London over three days from March 6th – 8th, 2023.

A multidisciplinary planning committee comprising representatives from eleven nations has been appointed to plan the summit, which is being chaired by Professor Robin Lovell-Badge FMedSci FRS. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Daria Julkowska, Coordinator of the EJP RD, is a member of the planning committee.

The 2023 Summit will build on previous events held in Washington, D.C. (2015), and Hong Kong (2018) and continue important international dialogue around human genome editing. During the Summit, international stakeholders representing the academic, medical, regulatory, bioethical, and patient communities will discuss global considerations regarding human genome editing, including:

  • An update on advances in science and techniques in non-heritable and epigenetic genome editing since the 2018 Summit
  • Current clinical research involving non-heritable genome editing and barriers to clinical applications
  • The state of the science for germline genome editing in embryos and gametes
  • Policy approaches to increase capacity and accessibility to treatments for genetic diseases globally
  • Discussion of recent reports from the World Health Organization and potential methods for developing international and national regulatory frameworks
  • Ethical, societal and cultural considerations surrounding human genome editing
  • The role of non-scientists, including the public, in setting the research agenda.

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