Resource Webinar: INFRAFRONTIER

  • 24 March 2021 - 15:00
  • Online

Speaker: Montse Gustems 

Date: 24th of March, 2021

Registration link to receive connection details 

Platform summary:  INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for the generation, phenotyping, archiving and distribution of model mammalian genomes. The core services of INFRAFRONTIER comprise the systemic phenotyping of mouse mutants in the participating mouse clinics, and the archiving and distribution of mouse mutant lines by the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). INFRAFRONTIER aids in rare disease research by providing access to nearly 1700 mouse strains (via EMMA) that are related to over 1300 distinct rare diseases. These mouse strains carry mutations in genes that are implicated in causing rare diseases. In addition, INFRAFRONTIER provides specialized services such as the generation of germ-free mice (axenic service) and training in stateoftheart cryopreservation and phenotyping technologies. 

Learning objectives: Participants will be given an overview of INFRAFRONTIER and EMMA and what we can offer to rare disease researchers. This will include live demos on searching for mouse models for a certain rare disease and placing wan online order, submitting a mouse strain to EMMA for cryopreservation or looking for available phenotype information for a certain mouse strain. 


  • Start Date:24 March 2021
  • Start Time:15:00
  • End Date:24 March 2021
  • End Time:16:00
  • Location:Online