The hereditary tumour syndrome that correlates with a carriership of a pathogenic CDH1 variant is very rare and as such underrecognized. Early recognition however can save lives by preventing death due to diffuse type gastric cancer at early age. Therefore, (refresher) training of all clinical workers involved in early recognition, surveillance, treatment, and aftercare is important.
Currently the advice is to remove the stomach at early adult age as surveillance by gastroscopy is unreliable. However, in the hands of very experienced teams of clinical geneticists, gastroenterologists, pathologists and surgeons, surveillance can be an alternative to postpone the gastrectomy with a few years.
- Evaluate the characteristics, use, availability, and innovative developments of pathological and endoscopic techniques for diffuse type gastric cancer in this hereditary tumor syndrome;
- Evaluate which steps are necessary to organize centralized medical care for this very rare tumor syndrome within the ERN related countries;
- Stimulate and foster collaboration in both clinical work and research concerning hereditary diffuse gastric cancer.
The workshop is opened for the entire ERN community, PhD students, researchers, and clinicians interested in the field of hereditary diffuse type gastric cancer.
The workshop will consist of a variety of interactive lectures, demonstrations/guided tours on participating departments, a quiz and a meet-the-patient session. Questions and discussions during the sessions are encouraged any time to enhance the communication and level of understanding. Active participation from participants is stimulated in abstract sessions; as such, submitting abstracts concerning translational research and case reports are a pre to be selected for participation. Of course, personal professional interaction is encouraged during breaks.
Registration is open from May 31st 2023 until August 31st 2023. To register please fill the application form here.
Submitting an abstract (research or case report) will be possible from May 31st.
Deadline for abstract submission is July 31. Information on how to submit, see under “selection procedure”.
The training workshop is free of charge. Hotel expenses (pre-booked hotel for all participants) will be covered for all selected ERN participants. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to Euro 300 per selected ERN participant. Lunch (during two days) and dinner (on Thursday) will be provided for all participants.
Affiliated to an ERN-Full Member or Affiliated Partner institution.
The organizer together with one member of the WP17 Scientific Evaluation Committee will select the most appropriate workshop participants based on their qualification, experience, and interest in the field of hereditary diffuse type gastric cancer.
Priority will be given to authors with a motivation letter and/ or of submitted posters/case studies. All registered participants will be informed whether they have been selected to attend this training course by September 10, 2023
Abstracts should contain a maximum of 250 words. Six abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation of 10 minutes with 5 minutes discussion time. Topic of the abstract can be research or case report. Abstracts can be submitted in PDF format to Tanya.Bisseling@radboudumc.nl ultimately on July 31 2023.
At the end of the training workshop a Certificate of Attendance will be sent to the participants who attended the entire workshop.
No credits of Continuing Education in Medicine will be issued
This two-days workshop will be held in the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, the Netherlands. A hotel will be arranged in close proximity.
If you have specific questions, please write to the workshop organizer:
- Tanya Bisseling, Gastroenterologist. Tanya.Bisseling@radboudumc.nl
Questions related to organization of travelling hotel, dinner should be addressed to:
- Linda Oud – Linda.Oud@radboudumc.nl
For general inquiries about the workshops in the ERN RD Support and Training Program please write to:
- Carola.reinhard@med.uni-tuebingen.de
- c.n.van_beuzekom@lumc.nl