All times are in EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)

Increased knowledge of cancer molecular biology and research methods development has enabled the spread of gene-guided treatment of cancer. In many hospitals Molecular Tumor Boards (MTB) function to implement and develop personalized cancer care. The MTB is a multidisciplinary meeting attended by cancer physicians, pathologists, geneticists, and molecular biology experts. This Workshop will focus on optimal organisation of MTBs to support diagnosis of rare cancers and the work of clinicians. The meeting will address cancer patient cases in which a comprehensive genomic profiling test has been performed on a solid cancer tumor sample or blood. Based on the molecular changes found in gene profiling, the aim is to obtain more information about the nature of the cancer, to find the optimal drug treatment for the cancer, and to provide an assessment of the possible heritability of genetic changes and the need for further studies. In addition, the workshop will address a wide range of current issues related to gene-guided cancer treatment to increase physicians´ and researchers´ awareness on this matter. The Workshop will address multidisciplinary aspects between the work at ERN EURACAN, and GENTURIS.
Concept A workshop with a small group (20) of European specialists sharing a specific interest in developing and implementing comprehensive gene profiling and molecular tumor board activities in diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. The meeting will address cancer patient cases in which a comprehensive genomic profiling test has been performed on a cancer sample or blood. Based on the molecular changes found in gene profiling, the aim is to obtain more information about the nature of the cancer, to find the optimal drug treatment for the cancer, and to provide an assessment of the possible heritability of the genetic changes and the need for further studies. The Workshop will consist of presentations by experts in the field and deal with patient cases that the participants are encouraged to present and bring with them for discussion. Current stage of DRUP-like clinical studies in Europe and Nordic countries will be discussed during the event.
Aim The aim of the meeting is to increase physicians´ awareness on the possibilities of comprehensive genomic profiling in gene-guided planning of modern cancer treatment. The Workshop will address multidisciplinary aspects between specialist who are working in ERN-EURACAN and GENTURIS.
The Workshop is open for physicians and cancer researchers from ERN-Full Member or Affiliated Partner Institutions, and especially those who want to deepen their knowledge in working within MTB and innovative genomic profiling. The participants (20) will be selected based on their applications (see Registration and Selection procedure).
On site: 20 participants
On site: All participants will attend the Workshop on site in Medisiina D building, conference room Lauren 2. The main lectures will be open for local cancer specialists, cancer researchers and medical students.
Lectures and discussion. Participants are encouraged to bring their own patient cases, which will be presented and discussed during the workshop.
There will be interactive panel discussions.
The registration is open until June the 2nd, 2022. To register, please fill in the application form here.
The training workshop is free of charge. Hotel/travelling will be covered at max. 450 €/participant.
Affiliated to an ERN-Full Member or Affiliated Partner institution.
The organizer together with one member of the WP17 Scientific Evaluation Committee will select the most appropriate Workshop participants based on their expertise and interest in the field of clinical cancer research and genomic profiling.
All registered participants will be informed if they are selected to attend this workshop before 20th June, 2022.
At the end of the Workshop, a Certificate of Attendance will be sent to the participants who attended the entire training.
This workshop will be submitted for accreditation by the European Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). If approved, the workshop participants will obtain CME credits.
Workshop will run in English.
Organizer: FICAN West Cancer Centre and Turku University Hospital
The Meeting Venue: Medisiina D building, conference room Lauren 2, Kiinamyllynkatu 10D, 20520 Turku, Finland.
(On site)
If you have specific questions, please write to the Workshop organizer:
Questions related to organization of travelling, hotel, or dinner should be addressed to:
Hotel: Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa, Joukahaisenkatu 6, 20520 Turku.
For general inquiries about the workshops in the ERN RD Support and Training Program please write to: