The World Duchenne Organization is pleased to announce that thanks to a collaborative initiative driven by their technical partners, FAIR Data Systems in Madrid, a FAIR Training Program will be available online to all those interested in understanding the value and future impact of the FAIR Guiding Principles.

This is the outcome of the latest international FAIR meeting on data visiting for Duchenne and other Rare Diseases, where training needs by various stakeholders were identified. It is an opportunity to understand how the FAIR principles framework makes sure that valuable data are found and reused by others to boost research and earlier diagnosis.

Learning objectives

  • To understand the value and benefits of FAIR
  • To show the participants tangible examples on how to query FAIR data
  • To know what is needed to get started with a FAIR-related project

Time and location
7 – 9 March 2023 (Mornings) | Online
The training will be given through a Zoom webinar.

Registration is required. Click on the button below to register for the FAIR training before 20th February 2023.
The webinar link will be sent to you after registration.
Please register here before 20th February 2023

Target group
We invite all representatives of rare disease patient organizations, healthcare providers, researchers, funders, data stewards, or anyone interested in finding out more about how to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable for both humans and machines to attend.

Cost: Free

Training outline
You’re welcome to attend the full or part of the program.

Programme and more information here.